ObjectARX, .NET and ObjectDBX modules
You must provide a way for customers to uninstall your application.
The product must provide a fully automated uninstaller that removes program files, folders, shortcuts, menu items, and registry entries, and must attempt to return AutoCAD to the state it was in prior to installation of your product.
All files and folders copied to the hard disk must be removed, with certain exceptions, including user data files and resources that other programs might use (such as sharable DLLs, sharable fonts, AutoCAD support files, templates, and sharable registry entries). You may want to blank out menus and options. AutoCAD will reset these to the default values.
Warning! It is better to err on the side of safety regarding other applications. If you are not sure whether removing a DLL might harm other applications, do not remove it.
Any changes made to system files must be tested on all supported operating systems. AutoCAD and AutoCAD applications (ObjectARX, Visual LISP, and so on) rely on system files to function properly, so it's important to determine the impact of changes to system files prior to implementation.
The uninstaller must be registered as follows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Current Version Uninstall YourProductName DisplayName=REG_SZ:<product name and version number> UninstallString=REG_SZ: c:\apps\myapp\uninstall.log /h
The uninstaller must be accessible through Add/Remove Programs (or Programs Uninstall a Program or Programs and Features) in the Control Panel and must operate properly from the Control Panel.
Your application's uninstaller should account for the possibility that one or more installations of AutoCAD have already been uninstalled since your application was installed.