Resbuf Considerations

A results buffer, or resbuf, is a structure of data types, each with an associated resval indicating the type and a pointer containing its value. Just as signature changes were necessary for polymorphic types listed earlier, identical resbuf types may also need to be changed. If you choose to, your appliaction can use new 64-bit resbuf values.

For a LONG_PTR value, the resval is named RTLONG_PTR. To get or set a pointer value, use mnLongPtr instead of the rlong field. Similarly, for an INT_PTR value, the resval is named RTINT64, and its value pointer is mnInt64.

Currently, the new codes lised below are not used by exisitng ARX APIs. However, these values are supported by resbuf utility functions; namely, acutBuildList(), acutNewRb(), and acedInvoke().