Advantages of 64-bit Processing

The most compelling reason for porting to 64-bit architecture is to gain a much larger memory address space. Moving to 64-bit addressability dramatically increases the potential memory available to applications. Because AutoCAD requires much of its graphics and model data to be memory-resident, the size of the address space directly affects AutoCAD's model size. The following table compares 32-bit and 64-bit maximum sizes for various memory components.

Architectural Component Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit
Virtual memory 4 gigabytes (GB) 16 terabytes
Paging file size 64 GB 512 terabytes
Paged pool 470 megabytes (MB) 128 GB
Non-paged pool 256 MB 128 GB
System cache 1 GB 1 terabyte
System Page Table Entry (PTE) 1.2 GB 128GB