To prepare for scheduled backups, you can use the Revit Server command-line utility to lock and unlock a Revit Server Host or specific folders or models therein.
This utility also lets you view the status of locked items, verify the health of the database, and recreate it if it is corrupt.
After Revit Server installation, the RevitServer.exe tool is located in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Server 2021\Tools\RevitServerCommand.
Commands | Result |
-l, -lock | Locks the specified item. |
-u, -unlock | Unlocks the specified item. |
-c, -cancelLock | Cancels a lock that is in progress on the specified item. |
-a, -allLocks | Shows all locked/locking items and their status. |
-v, -verifyLocks | Verifies if the lock database is healthy. |
Options | Result |
-s, -server | Performs the specified action on the server where the utility is run. |
-f, -folder <path> | Performs the specified action on the specified folder. |
-m, -model <path> | Performs the specified action on the specified model. |
-r, -recreate | Recreates the lock database when it is corrupt. |
<path> | Specifies the path for the folder or model being locked/unlocked relative to the Revit Server project directory: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit Server2021\Projects (This is the default path. The path is specified during the installation process). |
The model is in a folder named 2021 Hospital Project.
RevitServer lock -server
RevitServer lock -folder <path>
RevitServer lock -model <path>
RevitServer unlock -server
RevitServer unlock -folder <path>
RevitServer unlock -model <path>
RevitServer cancelLock -server
RevitServer cancelLock -folder <path>
RevitServer cancelLock -model <path>
RevitServer allLocks
RevitServer verifyLocks [-recreate]