Rectangular Coordinate System Definition, Form 1

Description: Defines a rectangular coordinate system by reference to the coordinates of three points.



Field Definition Type Default
CID Coordinate system identification number. Integer > 0 Required
GiA, GiB Grid point identification numbers. Integer > 0, G1A ≠ G2A ≠ G3A, G1B ≠ G2B ≠ G3B 0


  1. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1C, CORD1R, CORD1S, CORD2C, CORD2R, and CORD2S entries must all be unique.
  2. One or two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry.
  3. GiA and GiB must be defined in coordinate whose definition does not involve the coordinate system being defined. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the z-axis, and the third lies in the plane of the azimuth origin. The three grid points GiA (or GiB) must be noncollinear and not coincident.
  4. Coordinate systems defined using CORD1C, CORD1R, and CORD1S entries cannot be used as reference coordinate systems on CORD2C, CORD2R, and CORD2S entries.
  5. The location of a grid point (P in the sketch) in this coordinate system is given by (X, Y, Z).
  6. The displacement coordinate directions at P are dependent on the location of P as shown below by (, , ).

Figure 1. CORD1R Definition