Direct Matrix Input at Points

Description: Define direct input matrices related to grid, extra, and/or scalar points. The matrix is defined by a single header entry and one or more column entries. Only one header entry is required. A column entry is required for each column with nonzero elements.

Header Entry Format:

Column Entry Format:


Field Definition Type Default
NAME Name of the matrix. Character Required
IFO Form of matrix input, selected by one of the following values:
1 = Square matrix
2 = Rectangular matrix
6 = Symmetric matrix
9 = Rectangular matrix
Integer Required
TIN Type of matrix being input, selected by one of the following values:
1 = Single precision data
2 = Double precision data
Integer Required
NCOL Number of columns in a rectangular matrix. Integer > 0 Required for IFO = 9
GJ Grid, scalar or extra point identification number for column index. Integer > 0 Required
CJ Component number for grid point GJ. 0 < Integer ≤ 6 or blank 1
Gi Grid, scalar, or extra point identification number for row index. Integer > 0 Required
Ci Component number for Gi for a grid point. 0 < Integer ≤ 6 or blank 1
Ai Matrix element. Real Required


  1. Matrixes defined on this entry may be used in any analysis by selection in the Case Control Section with K2GG = NAME, B2GG = NAME, and M2GG = NAME for [K], [B], or, [M] respectively. Input matrixes are added to the structural matrixes before constraints are applied. Load matrixes may be selected by P2G = NAME.
  2. The header entry containing IFO and TIN is required. Each non-null column is started with a GJ, CJ pair. The entries for each row of that column follow. Only nonzero terms need be entered. The terms may be input in arbitrary order.
  3. Field 3 of the header entry must contain an integer 0.
  4. For symmetric matrixes (IFO = 6), a given off-diagonal element may be input either below or above the diagonal. Upper and lower triangle terms may be mixed.
  5. The recommended format for rectangular matrices requires the use of NCOL and IFO = 9. The number of columns in the matrix is NCOL.
  6. The matrix names must be unique among all DMIG entries.
  7. TIN should be set consistent with the number of decimal digits required to read the input data adequately. For the single precision specification (TIN=1) one eight character field is used and the input past eight characters is truncated. For the double precision specification (TIN=2) two eight character fields are combined allowing a total of 16 characters for input.
  8. DMIG Bulk Data entries can be exported using the TRSLDMIDATA Model Initialization directive. (See Section 2, Initialization, for more information on TRSLDMIDATA.)