Generate forces due to prestressing tendons

You can generate forces resulting from prestressing tendons.

You can generate loads from prestressing tendons for bar elements only.
  1. Click Loads Special Loads Prestress ForcesPrestress Forces. The Forces due to Beam Prestress displays.
  2. Select if you want to define eccentricities along the local X or Y axis of the bar section.
  3. Enter the required Eccentricities values in the Beginning e1, Midpoint e2, and End e3 boxes, in order to define the tendon profile as a parabola. Eccentricities values can be either positive or negative.
  4. Enter a positive value for the prestressing force.
  5. Select the required bars in the drawing area, or alternatively, enter their numbers in the box. You cannot apply the load on a bar chain, because the load is defined and generated separately for each selected bar.
  6. Click Apply. The equivalent load is generated.