Reinforcement Pattern - Opening reinforcement tab (RC wall)

The Opening reinforcement tab allows you to define parameters of opening reinforcement for the BAEL code.


Select RC Design Provided reinforcement layout, and then create a new RC element or open an existing one.

Dialog elements

Opening reinforcement in RC walls is composed of:

Vertical reinforcement
  • Vertical reinforcement of opening edges RV

    RV = 0,85 * 400 / fe (cm^2)

Horizontal reinforcement
  • Horizontal reinforcement of opening edges RH (walls not subjected to seismic loads). The value of this reinforcement depends on what type of a wall is calculated (external wall, internal wall)
  • Horizontal reinforcement of opening edges RH (walls subjected to seismic loads)

    RH = 2,35 * 400 / fe (cm^2)

Suspended - openings
  • Lintel reinforcement. When using the BAEL simplified method, for lintels of openings the calculations of reinforcement required due to the bending moment acting in the lintel - the bottom longitudinal reinforcement of the lintel and the transversals reinforcement in the form of suspended stirrups are generated. In the case of the classic method, or the simplified method when dealing with a wall loaded only with reduced loads, only constructional reinforcement of the lintel is generated (currently, reduction to the lintel of loads applied as reduced ones at the wall base is not accounted for).

The Save As option allows you to reuse a set of reinforcement pattern parameters. This set is saved to your current user directory. You can reuse this set for the other element in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog or assign it to the selected element (or selected elements of the same type) in the RC Component Inspector.

The Delete option allows you to remove the selected set of reinforcement pattern parameters.