Slab and Shell Reinforcement Type - Definition

  • Click Design Required Reinforcement of Slab/Walls - Options Code parameters.
  • Click (Slab and Shell Reinforcement Type).
Dialog elements

The top of the dialog contains the following icons:

  • Adds new reinforcement types (New Reinforcement Type Parameters ).
  • - Deletes the selected reinforcement type from the active list.
  • , , and Displays the list of active reinforcement types as large icons, small icons, a short list or a full list.
  • - Deletes all types of slab and shell reinforcement which do not appear in the designed structure from the active list.
  • - Opens the Label Manager dialog.
Definition of reinforcement type

The reinforcement type definition process is divided into two stages:

  1. Defining reinforcement type

    If the active reinforcement type list is empty or a new reinforcement type is to be added to the active list, click on new reinforcement type parameters.

    Two situations are then possible:

    • If none of the reinforcement types are selected, clicking on opens a dialog for a new definition. The fields are filled in as was the previous reinforcement type definition (except for the Label field) or default parameters will be set.
    • If any one of the reinforcement types is selected, clicking on opens a dialog for a new definition. All edit fields (except for label) will be filled in according to the reinforcement type selected.

    It is also possible to open the dialog for a new reinforcement type by double-clicking on the element from the active reinforcement type list. The Reinforcement Type Definition dialog will open. After modification of the required reinforcement type parameters, the new reinforcement type is added (updated) to the active list by clicking Add or pressing <ENTER>. If the label is not changed, a warning prompt will appear.

  2. Assigning reinforcement type to panels

    To delete a reinforcement type from the structure:

    1. Click on the active list,
    2. Select an object in the structure you want to delete the reinforcement type from.

    You cannot modify this reinforcement type; it is assigned the same way as the reinforcement type is to a structure element.