Definition - two-dimensional structure

The Definition tab for two-dimensional structures appears as follows.

In a two-dimensional structure, the plane of the cut must be parallel to OZ axis. So, to define only a straight line this would be the intersection of the cut plane and the OXY plane. It is additionally possible to define a segment of specified length to be cut. Such segments may form a polyline of arbitrary shape.

You can define points graphically by indicating the right nodes, or textually by providing the coordinates of the points or node numbers in the dialog.

A two-dimensional structure cut may be defined in three ways.

To define a cut for a 2D structure, follow these procedures.

  1. Select the method of defining the cut.
  2. Determine the cut parameters.
  3. Provide the cut with a name.
  4. Select the color of the cut.
  5. Click New.

The defined cut will be added to the list of cuts available on the Cuts tab.