Reinforcement Pattern - Wire fabrics tab (RC wall)

The Wire fabrics tab allows you to define parameters of distributed reinforcement in the form of wire fabrics.


Select RC Design Provided reinforcement layout, and then create a new RC element or open an existing one.

Dialog elements

Note: The content of the dialog depends on the RC code selected during the wall design and some of the options may not be available.
Wire fabric division (horizontal)

Specify the types of horizontal divisions of wire fabrics. Due to the application of modular division of the wire fabric panel, it is possible to obtain such a division which will utilize the entire panel area and simultaneously reduce the work in cutting out wire fabric sheets.

Wire fabric division (vertical)

Specify the types of vertical divisions of wire fabrics. Due to the application of modular division of the wire fabric panel, it is possible to obtain such a division which will utilize the entire panel area and simultaneously reduce the work in cutting out wire fabric sheets.

The 2 different panels allowable option allows using different types of wire fabrics in one wall.

The Horizontal panels option forces rotation and reinforcement with wire fabrics placed horizontally (parallel to the wall length).

The Optimization criteria options allows you to determine optimization criteria taken into account in calculations of wall reinforcement.

The Save As option allows you to reuse a set of reinforcement pattern parameters. This set is saved to your current user directory. You can reuse this set for the other element in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog or assign it to the selected element (or selected elements of the same type) in the RC Component Inspector.

The Delete option allows you to remove the selected set of reinforcement pattern parameters.