Remarks concerning values of material properties for the Romanian code STAS 10107/0-90

If the Romanian RC code STAS is chosen in Robot RC modules, then there is a possibility to select a code determining material parameters of steel and concrete. There are two databases of material data available in the program:

It means that while defining a concrete class or steel grade the user may choose materials provided in the codes STAS or EC2 (although the currently-selected code is the Romanian STAS code).

Note: It is also possible to choose 'mixed' materials, e.g. concrete according to STAS and steel according to EC2.

If concrete and steel according to EC2 are chosen, all material properties (design values) are calculated according to the principles given in EC2. Similarly, all values related to a specific material type (e.g. height of the compression zone) are evaluated according to EC2. It should be emphasized here, that this principle refers only to the properties being a function of specific (named) material classes (values related to e.g. strength are calculated according to STAS).

If concrete and steel according to STAS are chosen, all material properties (design values) are calculated according to the principles given in the STAS code. Similarly, all values related to a specific material type (e.g. height of the compression zone) are evaluated according to STAS.

If the user selects one material (e.g. concrete) according to the STAS code and the other (e.g. steel) according to EC2, then material properties will be calculated in accordance with the relevant codes, while the values being functions of specific material classes, if they are related simultaneously to both codes, are evaluated according to EC2 (as a more general code).