Final Drawings - Description

The Final Drawings layout comprises final drawings of the reinforcement calculated for RC members. Drawings in this layout cannot be closed. You can access them anytime.

The Final Drawings layout contains specific options for working with drawings:

View menu

Note: After you complete the editing process, press ESC to be able to edit another drawing element (viewport).
Note: To situate a drawing precisely, press and hold CTRL as you drag the drawing.

Edit menu

Insert menu

Printout in Big Format

The Page setup dialog displays the formats that are supported by the currently installed printer. The non-supported formats display as grayed. You can perform drawing arrangement for the grayed formats, but the preview and printing will be preceded by a message stating that the selected format is not supported.

If printer controllers are installed that service a printer not physically attached to the computer, the available formats will be described in red. The preview and printout will also be preceded by an appropriate message.

See also:

Drawing parameters