When the NTM tab is selected on the Diagrams for Members dialog, the following displays:
You can select the quantities for the diagrams:
- Forces: FX , FY and FZ (when one of these options is selected, the FX , FY or FZ force diagram displays)
- Moments: MX, MY and MZ (when one of these options is selected, the MX, MY or MZ moment diagram displays) .
- Elastic ground reaction: KY and KZ - These results display the reaction of an elastic ground (R = K u, where R denotes the force of reaction, K is the coefficient of elastic ground reaction, and u is the displacement) along the bar length in the local system if elastic ground was defined for a bar. The colors of KY and KZ diagrams are defined the same as FY and FZ, respectively.
For each of these quantities, you can select the appropriate color and scale.
The buttons include the following:
- All - displays the diagrams of all the quantities.
- None - hides the diagrams.
- Normalize - displays the diagram of a selected quantity in such a way that the scale is adjusted to the maximum and minimum value of the highlighted quantity.