Structural reinforcement

Select the Structural reinforcement tab in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog to define structural reinforcement types.

U-type bars

This reinforcement is a structural element carrying the main reinforcement and facilitating the assembly of this reinforcement. Moreover, it anchors in the case of horizontal reinforcement.

Transport Reinforcement of Prefabricate

This reinforcement is for beams - prefabricated insets. It is required to transport prefabricates.

Assembling Reinforcement of Wire Fabrics

The assembling reinforcement of wire fabrics is a reinforcement that can be disregarded in calculations. It is used only to assure proper reinforcement stiffness in wire fabrics. You can also determine the number of pins per m2 of a deep beam and define their diameter.

Support without Strengthening

The option is used in supports without strengthening. This generates additional reinforcement with shackles to strengthen the anchoring of the lower main reinforcement that ends with 180° bent hooks.

Steel Type as for Longitudinal or Transversal Reinforcement

In cases when there are two different classes of main and distributed reinforcement it is possible to make the class of structural reinforcement dependent on one of the above mentioned reinforcement types.