Automatic Assigning of a Self-weight Load to the Whole Structure

Frequently, a self-weight load is assigned to structure bars or panels before defining all the bars and panels in a structure. As a result, a self-weight load is not assigned to the bars and panels that were defined after applying the self-weight load; thus, a structure that is not fully loaded with the self-weight is used by Robot in calculations.

Also, a similar problem can arise when an edit operation (translation, rotation, and so on) is performed using the Drag option. The bars that are generated because of the operation are not automatically loaded with the self-weight load.

To facilitate using the self-weight load for an entire structure, the following attributes: Whole structure and Part of structure have been added to the load record for self-weight load cases. If the Whole structure option is set in a table, a self-weight load is automatically applied to all bars and panels when generating data for calculations.

The Whole structure attribute can be defined 2 ways:

Note: In the load table, the list of bars and panels to which a self-weight load is applied is not automatically updated after selecting the Whole structure option in the load table or after clicking the appropriate icon in the Self-weight dialog. To update the bar/panel list:
  1. Position the cursor in the load table field containing the bar/panel list and click ENTER.
  2. Start generating a structure calculation model or start structure calculations.