Reinforcement Pattern - Dowels Bars tab (RC column)

The Dowels Bars tab allows you to assign dowels to the upper column.


Select RC Design Provided reinforcement layout, and then create a new RC element or open an existing one.

Dialog elements

Dowel bars

Defines the diameter and total length of the extension of a dowel bar.

The Tied option allows you to select if all dowel bars should be tied or not.

Connection to the upper column

The following options are available:

  • On - connecting bars are always generated,
  • Auto - bars are generated only then if there is the upper column with defined reinforcement (see below for the description of the procedure of automatic generation of dowel bars),
  • Off - connecting reinforcement will not be generated even if there is the upper column.

Additionally, it is possible to select which bars should be extended (main, constructional) and to decide if additional dowel bars should be used.

Bent bars
If bars are generated in the connection with the upper column, then additionally these bars can be bent using the options below:
  • On - main bars (and if need be, constructional ones) will be bent; dimensions of the bent part as defined by the user will be adopted
  • Auto - the bent part will be generated in such a way so that the reinforcement is connected with the reinforcement of the upper column (see below for the description of the procedure of automatic generation of dowel bars)
  • Off - bending of bars is not applied
Note: Bars are always bent in the direction of the center of gravity of the column cross-section.

The Save As option allows you to reuse a set of reinforcement pattern parameters. This set is saved to your current user directory. You can reuse this set for the other element in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog or assign it to the selected element (or selected elements of the same type) in the RC Component Inspector.

The Delete option allows you to remove the selected set of reinforcement pattern parameters.