Reinforcement Edition - RC Beams and Columns

Two types of RC structure elements (RC beams and RC Columns) have an additional tab called Reinforcement edition available in the program. This tab has options for graphical modification of reinforcement and preparation of a drawing for export to AutoCAD drawing format files (DXF and DWG).

Options on this tab arrange elements in the drawing space. It is possible to change positions along the element axis for elements connected with the elevation (bars with descriptions outside the formwork contour, dimension lines, descriptions of bar spacing). Remaining elements (text, sections, reinforcement tables, and symbols) can be freely arranged in the drawing.

Each object has a set of features that can be edited in the Properties dialog ( View > Properties). These modify both graphic representation (color, text height, font, etc.) and calculation parameters (length, diameter, hook type).

While creating bar descriptions or defining descriptions in the table, you can use the following variable designations.

{%sym} - symbol corresponding to a bar diameter

{%dia} - bar diameter

{%num} - number of bars

{%len} - bar length

{%pos} - bar position (number) - this value is also presented in the reinforcement table

{%st} - steel grade

You can also use predefined translated text variables.

#reinforcement-table - reinforcement table

#position - Position

#count - Number

#length - Length

#diameter - Diameter

#shape-code - Shape code

#steel - Steel grade

#description - Description.

Modification of bars

Bars are modified in two ways.

After selecting a bar in the graphical viewer, three handle points appear. This allows modification of the position and length of a bar:

It is also possible to change a diameter, hook type and length in the Properties dialog box.

See also:

Options available on the layout for reinforcement modification