The selected lines are trimmed to the resulting point of curvature (PC) and tangent point (TP).
You can use the Curve Calculator to determine the values required for defining the curve.
The following prompt is displayed:
Select entry [Tangent/External/Degree/Chord/Length/Mid-ordinate/miN-dist/Radius] <Radius>:
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter degree of curve (Arc), or [Chord]:
Enter the degree of curve in DD.MMSS format using the Arc or Chord option.
Use the Chord option if the curve is a railway curve. For a railway curve, the degree of curve is the angle at the center of a circular curve subtended by a chord of 100 units.
Use the Arc option if the curve is a carriageway curve. For a carriageway curve, the degree of curve is the central angle subtended by a circular arc of 100 units.
The command sets the Object Snap to END for this prompt. The point you select does not have to be on an existing curve; it can be any point along the adjacent straight.