You can create a point by giving an offset and pole height with respect to the current cross section, height of instrument, and centerline.
The level is computed by subtracting the pole from the current value you set with the Set Height of Instrument command.
XS POLE (point) [offset] [pole] (description)
NE 1 1000 1000
NE 2 1000 1500
NE 3 1300 1700
XS 350
HI 200
XS POLE 100 150 7.25
! POINT 100 NORTH: 850.000 EAST: 1350.000 LEVEL: 192.750
Point 100 is offset from cross section 350 a distance of 150 with a level of 192.75 (height of instrument - pole).
XS POLE (point) [offset] [pole] (description)
Parameter | Definition |
point | The identifier of the new point that you want to create. You do not need to assign a point number if auto point numbering is on. |
offset | The distance from the cross section to the new point. |
pole | The pole height. This value is subtracted from the height of instrument level to determine the level of the new point. |
description | An optional description associated with the point. If you use a description key, then specific information is assigned to the point. |