New Project Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the folder, name, description and template when creating a new Vault project.


Specifies a folder for the new project. Use this option if you want the project to be placed in a subfolder beneath the working folder. Click to open the Select Vault Location dialog box, where you can select an existing folder or create a new folder.


Specifies the project name.


Specifies a description of the project.

Project Template

Use Project Template

Select if you want to use a template (standard set of subfolders) for the new project. This option is recommended.

Project Templates Folder

Specifies the location for your project template folder. Click to browse to the folder.

Project Template

Specifies the name of the project template.

Created By

Displays the name of the user who created the project.

Date Created

Displays the date and time the project was created.