Edit Feature Settings - Plot Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and change plot-related settings.

This topic documents settings in all plot-related Edit Settings dialog boxes (drawing-level, feature-level, and command-level).

For general information about drawing, feature, and command settings and their interaction, see About Autodesk Civil 3D Settings.

For information about drawing-level ambient settings, see Ambient Settings Tab (Drawing Settings Dialog Box).

Default Styles

Use these settings to specify default styles for creating and labeling plots.

Plot Style

Specifies the default plot style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Plot Style dialog box.

Plot Area Label Style

Specifies the default plot area label style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Plot Area Label Style dialog box.

Plot Line Label Style

Specifies the default plot line label style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Plot Line Label Style dialog box.

Plot Curve Label Style

Specifies the default plot curve label style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Plot Curve Label Style dialog box.

Table Creation

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the AddPlotCurveTable, AddPlotLineTable, AddPlotSegmentTable, or AddPlotTable commands.

Use these settings to specify defaults for creating tables with plots.

Table Style

Specifies the style for a table. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Table Style dialog box.

Split Table

Specifies whether a table is split into two or more sections after a specified maximum number of rows has been met.

Maximum Number of Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows to include per section. If the number of data rows exceeds the specified maximum, the table is split into sections, and they are displayed either side by side (left to right), or stacked vertically.

Maximum Tables Per Stack

Specifies the maximum number of tables to include in each stack.

Table Spacing

Specifies the spacing between tables.

Tile Direction

Specifies the direction in which the table tiles (Across or Down).

Default Options

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the setting from the AddPlotSegmentLabels command.

Use this setting to specify defaults for creating labels with plot segments.

Labeling Direction

Specifies the segment labeling direction (Clockwise or Counter-clockwise).

Plot Sizing

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotByLayout command.

Use these settings to specify defaults for sizing plots.

Plot Selection Method

Specifies whether the Pick Point Within Plot or Select Plot Area Label selection method is used.

Minimum Area

Specifies the minimum area for a new plot.

Minimum Frontage

Specifies the minimum frontage for a new plot.

Use Minimum Frontage At Offset

Specifies whether Use Minimum Frontage At Offset is used.

Frontage Offset

Specifies the frontage offset for a new plot. Must be greater than zero.

Minimum Width

Specifies the Minimum width for a new plot. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

Minimum Depth

Specifies the minimum depth for a new plot.

Use Maximum Depth

Specifies whether maximum depth is used.

Maximum Depth

Specifies the maximum depth for a new plot. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

Preview Graphics

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotByLayout command.

Use these settings to specify defaults for temporary plot layout preview graphics.

Frontage Color

Specifies the default color for the frontage preview.

Frontage Offset Color

Specifies the default color for the frontage offset preview.

New Plot Color

Specifies the default color for the new plot preview.

Minimum Frontage Color

Specifies the default color for the minimum frontage preview.

Minimum Width Color

Specifies the default color for the minimum width preview.

Minimum Depth Color

Specifies the default color for the minimum depth preview.

Automatic Layout

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotByLayout command.

Use these settings to specify defaults for automatic plot layout.

Automatic Mode

Specifies whether the automatic mode is set for plot layout.

Remainder Distribution

Specifies remainder from a new plot is distributed:

  • Create Plot From Remainder
  • Place Remainder In Last Plot
  • Redistribute Remainder

Convert from Elements

Note: This property group is displayed (in different forms) when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotByLayout and CreatePlotFromElements commands.

Use these settings to specify defaults for creation of plots.

Erase All Existing Elements

Specifies whether existing elements are erased when a new plot is created. (CreatePlotFromElements command only)

Auto Add Segment Label

Specifies whether segment labels are automatically added to a new plot.

Create Plot Highway Boundary

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotHB command.

Use this setting to specify default offset for creation of plot rights of way.

Offset from Alignment

Specifies the offset from the alignment for the new highway boundary. Enter a width in the Value column or click and select a width in the drawing area.

Cleanup at Plot Boundaries

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotHB command.

Use these settings to specify default offset for cleanup at plot boundaries.

Fillet Radius at Plot Boundary Junctions

Specifies the width of the radius of the fillet at plot boundary junctions. Enter a width in the Value column or click and select a width in the drawing area.

Cleanup Method

Specifies whether the cleanup method is Fillet, Chamfer, or None.

Cleanup at Alignment Intersections

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePlotHB command.

Use these settings to specify default offset for cleanup at alignment intersections.

Fillet Radius at Alignment Intersections

Specifies the width of the radius of the fillet at alignment intersections. Enter a width in the Value column or click and select a width in the drawing area.

Cleanup Method

Specifies whether the cleanup method is Fillet, Chamfer, or None.


Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreateSite command

Use these settings to specify default increments for plot numbering.

Plot: Next Automatic Area Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot area is automatically numbered.

Plot: Next Manual Area Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot area is manually numbered.

Plot Line: Next Automatic Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot line tag is automatically numbered.

Plot Line: Next Manual Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot line tag is manually numbered.

Plot Curve: Next Automatic Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot curve tag is automatically numbered.

Plot Curve: Next Manual Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new plot curve tag is manually numbered.


Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreateSite command

Use these settings to specify default increments for alignment tag numbering.

Alignment Transition: Next Manual Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment transition tag is manually numbered.

Alignment Transition: Next Automatic Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment transition tag is automatically numbered.

Alignment Curve: Next Manual Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment curve tag is manually numbered.

Alignment Curve: Next Automatic Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment curve tag is automatically numbered.

Alignment Line: Next Manual Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment line tag is manually numbered.

Alignment Line: Next Automatic Tag Counter

Specifies the increment by which the next new alignment line tag is automatically numbered.

Feature Line

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreateSite command

Use this setting to specify defaults for feature line style priority.

Feature Line Style Priority

Specifies the default feature line style priority. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Options Tab (Feature Line Site Properties Dialog Box).

Plot Analysis


This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the ExportPlotAnalysis command.

Use these settings to specify defaults for plot analysis.

Analysis Type

Specifies whether Inverse Analysis or Mapcheck Analysis is used.

Enable Mapcheck Across Chord

Specifies whether mapcheck across chord is enabled or disabled.

Process Counter-clockwise

Specifies whether segments will be processed in counter-clockwise or clockwise order.