Export To HEC RAS Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the surface, alignment, and cross section to export to HEC-RAS format for use in flood analysis.

See To Prepare Data to Export to HEC-RAS Format for information about the data you select in this dialog box.

Workflow: To Export and Import HEC-RAS Data

Select Surface And Alignment


Specifies the surface that you want to sample for the ditch sections.


Specifies the site that contains the ditch centerline alignment. Select <None> if the alignment is not located in a site.

Reach Alignment

Specifies the ditch centerline alignment to be exported.

Select Sections To Export

Sample Line Groups

Specifies the sample line group that was created along the ditch centerline alignment.

River Name

Specifies the name that is used in the HEC-RAS application as the title of the GEO file and is used as a label for the ditch in the HEC-RAS Geometric Data window. This name should typically be the name of the ditch alignment.

River Banks

Check This To Use River Banks

Exports either polylines or alignments as river bank information. Select the check box and then click Left and/or Right, and select the polylines or alignments in the drawing.

Note: The bank locations appear in the HEC-RAS application as red dots on the sections. The left and right bank locations tell the HEC-RAS application where the Manning’s n values change for left, drainage channel, and right bank situations in the section. This effects the calculations and the level of water in the section. The Bank Positions exported to the GEO file are measured as percentages of the overall section length rather than as offset distances.

Exports the data to a GEO file that you can import into the HEC-RAS application. For more information, see To Import Data into and Export Data from HEC-RAS Software.