Create Reports - Stakeout Alignment Report

Use this dialog box to select the alignments and specify chainage ranges for an Alignment Stakeout report.

This report lists angle, distance, northing, and easting from the occupied point to each alignment chainage.

List of Alignments


Specifies the alignments to include in the report. Select a check box to include the alignment.

Name & Description

Displays the name and description of the alignments in the drawing.

Chainage Start & Chainage End

Displays the start and end chainages for a selected alignment

You can edit these values by highlighting an alignment in the list and adjusting the Report Settings (see below).

Stakeout Options

Point Occupied

Specifies the point from which the angles to the alignment are calculated. You can enter a point number or click to select a point in the drawing.

Backsight Point

Specifies the backsight point. The backsight point and occupied point cannot be the same point.

Select Angle Type

Specifies the stakeout angle type to use.

  • Turned +: Turned angle right
  • Turned -: Turned angle left
  • Deflect +: Deflection angle right
  • Deflect -: Deflection angle left
  • Direction: Uses whole circle bearings or quadrant bearings

Report Settings

Start Chainage & End Chainage

Displays the start and end chainages for a highlighted alignment. Click an alignment name in the list to highlight it.

You can edit these values to change the range of chainages included in the report. You can enter formatted or unformatted values, such as 2+50.95 or 250.95.

Chainage Increment

Specifies the chainage increment to use. For example, specify 50 to report at increments of 50 feet or meters along the alignment.

Note: The increment is applied to all alignments. Chainage 0+00 is always included in the report. Odd chainages are not included if they do not match the chainage increment. For example, if the increment is 50, and the alignment starts at chainage -10+00, the report will begin at chainage 0+00. However, if the alignment begins at chainage -60+00, the report will begin at chainage -50+00.

Specifies a distance from the alignment the stakeout report will use in calculations. Enter a negative number to indicate a left offset.

Save Report To

Specifies the name and location of the resulting report.

Create Report

Generates the report and saves it to the specified location.


Closes the dialog box and discards changes to chainage ranges.