Use this page of the wizard to specify details about the corridor regions included in the junction object.
When this option is selected, new corridor objects are created in the junction area when the junction is created. When this option is not selected, the rest of the options on this page of the wizard are unavailable.
In order to create the junction corridor, the following must have already been done:
If the above items have not been met, then the create corridor options on the Create Junction wizard dialog box are not available.
When this option is selected, a new corridor object will be created for this junction.
When this option is selected, you can select an existing corridor to add to for this junction. If you do not have corridor objects in the drawing, this option is not available.
Specifies a surface to use for daylighting. If you do not have surfaces in the drawing, this option is not available. Also, you cannot target a surface that is an output of another corridor.
Specifies the assembly set to use for creating the junction. If desired, you can choose a different assembly set to import for use with creating this junction.
Click this button to browse to a location for selecting an assembly set to use for creating this junction.
Saves the currently selected assembly set to an xml file. When you click this button, you are prompted to choose a name and location for the assembly set.
Specifies the assembly that defines each section (component) in each corridor region included in the junction. Click the items listed in this section to display a conceptual graphic that updates with each selection.
Displays the name of the assembly that is specified (referenced) in the selected assembly set for each component. If there are assemblies available in the current drawing, you can click to select a different assembly to apply. If you click an assembly in the list, the location where the assembly will be applied along the junction is highlighted in the conceptual graphic.
On this dialog box, you can click Back to return to previous wizard dialog boxes, Create Junction to create the junction using the currently selected settings, or Cancel to cancel creating the junction.
When you create a junction object, the following objects are added to the current drawing: