Junction Corner Radius Parameters Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and edit the parameters of the corner radius included in the junction object.

When you select a property item on this dialog box, the affected object, or area of the junction is highlighted in the drawing, and the conceptual graphic on the dialog box updates to indicate the location affected by the edit.

Previous and Next Buttons

The Previous and Next buttons let you select each of the quadrants in the junction sequentially. The currently selected quadrant is highlighted in the drawing.

Junction Quadrant

This drop-down list lets you select each of the quadrants in the junction.

Expand and Collapse Buttons

Click the expand and collapse buttons at the top right to expand and collapse the property information displayed in this dialog box.

Widen Turning Lane For Incoming or Outgoing Road

When you select either of these options, the incoming or outgoing road in the junction is widened.

Junction Quadrant Details

Specifies details for the quadrants in the junction.

Junction Quadrant Name

Displays the name of the junction quadrant currently selected. You can change the name here, if desired.

Incoming Road Centerline Name

Displays the name of the centerline alignment for the incoming road.

Outgoing Road Centerline Name

Displays the name of the centerline alignment for the outgoing road.

Junction Quadrant Angle

Specifies the angle in degrees that is created by the two alignments that intersect, forming this junction quadrant.

Corner Radius Parameters

Specifies parameters for the corner radius in the junction.

Corner Radius Type

Specifies the type of corner radius: chamfer, circular fillet, or 3-centered arcs.


If the radius type is circular fillet or 3-centered arc, you can specify radius parameters.

Length Along Incoming or Outgoing Road

Specifies the length of the corner radius for the incoming or outgoing road.

Curve (X) Radius

Specifies the radius for the curves in the corner radius.

Curve (X) Length

Specifies the length for each curved section in the corner radius.

Copy These To All Quadrants

On this dialog box, you can right-click the “Corner Radius Parameters” node in the Property column, and select Copy These To All Quadrants. When this option is selected, the corner radius parameters currently selected are automatically applied to all quadrants in the junction.

Widening At Incoming\Outgoing Lane

When widening options at the top of this dialog box are selected, you can specify details for the widening at the incoming and outgoing lanes in the junction.

Transition Details

Specifies the transition details for the incoming or outgoing lanes in the junction.

Widening Details

Specifies the widening details for the incoming or outgoing lanes in the junction.