Use the Text Component Editor to format and define text-for-each components.
Text-for-each components label each object associated with a parent object (the object you are labeling). For example, you can use a text-for-each component in a structure label style to include labels for pipes associated with that structure. These components are only used in structure label styles and structure tables.
Text-for-each components are formatted just like text components, except that you select which child objects to label when you first create a text-for-each component. For example, you can add labels for all the pipes that enter or exit a structure, or only for invert-in or invert-out pipes. These label components are dynamic, so that if you remove or add a child object, the labels are updated.
The following shows an example of a structure label where the first three lines of the label contain structure data. The last three lines of the label contain data about the pipes that connect to the structure:
MH - 54 TYPE “B”
STA. 20+11.35, 6.00’ RT
TOP LEV. = 62.91
INV. IN = 47.08 (N)
INV. IN = 54.42 (SE)
INV. OUT = 47.08 (W)
You would set up this label style by including two text-for-each components. One component is for all pipes in, which lists invert in values. The other component is for all pipes out, which lists the one invert out value.