View Frame Group Page (Create View Frames Wizard)

Use this page of the wizard to specify criteria for creating the view frame group object.

View Frame Group


Specifies the name for the view frame group.

Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the view frame group naming template.


Enter an optional text description identifying the view frame group.

View Frame

View Frame Layer

Displays the layer on which the view frame will be created.

Opens the Object Layer dialog box, where you can select a different layer for the view frame.


Specifies the name of the view frame.

Note: To name the view frame, either click on its default name and enter a new name, or use the naming template.

Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the view frame naming template.

View Frame Style

Displays the style that is used to display certain components of the view frame, such as layer, line style, line weight, color, and so on.

Click to select the style of a view frame in the drawing.

View Frame Label Style

Displays the style that is used to display labels on view frames.

Click to select the label style of a view frame in the drawing.

Label Location

Specifies the location where the label will be placed on the view frame. For example, selecting Top Left places the label starting at the top left side of the view frame.