Crossing Breaklines Vista

View the list of intersecting breaklines and resolve the conflicting breaklines using the various level options.

Crossing Breakline list

Specifies the breakline or survey figure names, the x- and y-coordinates of all their crossing points, and the level difference at these points.

Note: The value in the Level Difference column is the difference between the first and the second breaklines. If the first breakline lies below the second breakline, the level value is negative.
Auto Zoom

Select to automatically zoom to and center the selected breakline crossing point.

Zoom To

Click to manually zoom to and center the selected breakline crossing point.

Note: The breakline with lower level is displayed in red. The blue color identifies the breakline with a higher level.

Crossing Resolution

Level options

Specify the possible options to resolve the crossing breaklines:

  • Use Higher Level
  • Use Lower Level
  • Use Average Level
  • Specify Level

Click to apply the selected level option to resolve the crossing breakline.


Click to trim the specified segment of the breakline.