QTO Manager Vista

Use this vista to manage rate items and rate item lists.

File Management

Open Rate Item File

Opens a rate item file and its categorization file, using the Open Rate Item File dialog box.

Save As Autodesk Takeoff Catalog

Exports the rate item file as an ATT (Autodesk Takeoff Catalog) file.

Save As CSV File

Saves the rate item file as a CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file.

Open Categorization File

Opens an XML file used to categorize rate items in a rate item list.

Open Formula File

Opens a FOR (Quantity Takeoff Formula) file used to apply formulas to rate items in a rate item list.


Turn On Categorization

Specifies listing of rate items in categories defined by the rate item categorization file.

Turn Off Categorization

Specifies listing of rate items in a single-level list, without categories.


Enter Text To Filter Rate Items

Specifies the text used filter rate items in the selected list.

Filters rate items, based on the text entered in the Filter Text field.

Rate Items

Assigns one or more selected rate items to an object in the drawing.

Assigns one or more selected rate items to a closed area in the drawing.

Removes rate items from specified objects.

Edits rate items on specified objects.

Compute Quantity Takeoff

Calculates material quantity takeoff in the Compute Quantity Takeoff dialog box.


Highlights those objects in the drawing that have one or more rate items assigned.

Highlights those objects in the drawing that have no rate items assigned.

Highlights those objects in the drawing that have the same rate items assigned as those selected in the Rate Item List.

Clears all highlighting based on rate items.

Edit Command Settings

Edits command-specific settings for the AssignPayItemToArea and TakeOff commands in the Quantity Takeoff Command Settings dialog box.


Closes the QTO Manager.

Rate Item List

Rate Item ID

Displays the ID of each rate item.


Displays a description of each rate item.

Unit Type

Displays the type of unit of each rate item.


Specifies any formula attached to a rate item.