Model Tab (Structure Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define the appearance of the 3D object used to represent the structure in model view.


Specifies the method that will be used to define and draw the dimensions of the structure in model view.

Use Catalog Defined 3D Part

The 3D object defined in the parts catalog is used when displaying the structure in 3D. This option is enabled by default.

Use Simple 3D Part

The structure is displayed with one of the following simple shape options:

  • Cylinder: The cylinder shape is the default. The dimensions of the cylinder are determined by the boundary of the part. The preview image shows an elongated cylinder in isometric view.
  • Cube: The dimensions of the cube are determined by the boundary of the part. The preview image shows an elongated cube in isometric view.
  • Sphere: The dimensions of the sphere are determined by the boundary of the part. The preview image shows an elongated sphere in isometric view.
  • Part Defined Shape: This will be either a cylinder, cube, or sphere as defined in the 3D model. Each part definition contains a simple shape and size. The parts display using their simple shape representation.

Displays an image which is a reasonable facsimile of the 3D shape with the current settings.