Point File Format Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view or edit the properties of a user point file format, which is used to import points from or export points to an ASCII (text) file.

File Information

Format Name

Specifies the name of the point file format. This name appears in the Point File Formats list in the Settings tree. Enter a name.

Default File Extension

Specifies the default file extension of the point data file when you import or export points using this format.

Enter a file extension or select one of the following:

  • .auf: Autodesk Uploadable File, comma delimited. Required values in the file are Point Number, Northing, Easting, Level, and Description (in that order).
  • .csv: Comma Separated Value file; ASCII (text) file comma-delimited.
  • .nez: Northing, Easting, and Level data
  • .pnt: Point file.
  • .prn: Formatted text, space delimited.
  • .txt: Delimited ASCII (text) file.
  • .xyz: Coordinates X, Y, and Z.
Comment Tag

Specifies how descriptive text is designated in the point data file. Enter the symbol that precedes a comment in the point data file. For example, if you specify # for the comment tag, any line in the point data file that begins with #, such as #Autodesk Point Data, is ignored during import.

The comment tag indicates where the comment begins. A comment always ends at the end of the line.

Coordinate Zone Transform

For more information, see About Point File Formats.

Coordinate Zone Transform

Indicates that the format references a coordinate zone.

Select Zone

Opens the Select Coordinate Zone dialog box.

Format Options

For more information, see About Point File Formats.


Specifies that the point data in the point data file is arranged in columns.

Delimited By

Specifies that the point data in the file is separated by the indicated character. Enter the character.

Read No More Than

Specifies the maximum number of points that can be read from a file (during import) or written to a file (during export), beginning at the top of the file. The limit does not include comment lines or errors in the text file. If you specify a limit of 100, then 100 points are imported or exported.

Sample Every

Samples point data at a specified interval. For example, if you specify a sample interval of 100, then every 100th point is imported or exported.

Format Column Names

Column Headings or <unused>

Opens the Point File Formats - Select Column Name dialog box. Click an <unused> column heading to assign a column name to the column.

Note: Drag a column heading horizontally to quickly change the column order.

Reference File Column Names

Column Headings

Displays a point data file so that you can reference its contents as you build the format. (See Load and Parse.)



Opens the Select Source File dialog box where you can load and view a point data file for reference.


Displays the loaded file in the dialog box using the point file format you are creating.