Access to roundabout standards is restricted using a username/password system, so before a standard file can be opened for editing, the user needs to enter his/her username and password.
Only if authorised users are allowed to open the standard file. There are three levels of access:
- None: You may list the standards but cannot access the details. This is the status of any standards that have not been purchased.
- Read-Only: You may use the standard file but may not change them or add new standards. All standard files are initially opened Read-Only.
- Full Access: You may use, copy, edit or create new standards and add or edit the users.
All Autodesk Roundabout standards are Read-Only.
Access to roundabout standards in the Pool
Once in the Pool, a roundabout standard may only be edited if it has not been used.
Note: If you make a copy of a standard in the same standard file, its name is prefixed with the words ‘Copy of’ to distinguish it from the original standard.