Create Out of Range Keys Utility

Create Out of Range Keys creates keys in the out-of-range time of a track when the out of range type is something other than Constant. It converts the specified out-of-range area to a keyed area that you can edit and adjust.

This utility works both in Curve Editor and Dope Sheet modes.

In Curve Editor mode, you must select the curve as well as the track.


To use Create Out of Range Keys:

  1. In the Track View Controller window, select the Position track of an animated object.
  2. On the Track View toolbar, click (Parameter Curve Out-of-Range Types) to apply an out-of-range type curve to the selected track.

    Use any curve type except Constant (the default).

  3. Click Edit menu Track View Utilities. In the dialog box that appears, choose Create Out Of Range Keys.
  4. Set the desired parameters in the Create Out Of Range Keys dialog.
  5. Click Apply.

    3ds Max creates keys in the out-of-range areas of the position track. The track bar expands to the boundaries of the newly created keys.


Time Range group

Sets the time after the range for generating keys. For example, if your range of keyed animation is from frame 31 to 54, the out-of-range animation might be from 0 to 30 and from 55 to 100.

Specifies the number of frames before the range for generating keys. In the previous example, if you set this option to 20, it would generate keys over frames 10 to 30. When you set this option to 0, no keys are generated before the range.
Specifies the number of frames after the range for generating keys. In the first example, if you set this option to 40, it would generate keys over frames 55 to 95. When you set this to option to 0, no keys are generated after the range.
Specifies the number of keys to be generated for both the before and after time range, based on the settings in Before and After. In the example above, if Samples is set to 20, 20 new keys would be generated over frames 10 to 30, and another 20 new keys would be generated over frames 55 to 95.
Generates the keys.
Note: Keys are generated only for non-constant out-of-range types. If the area before or after the range is the default, Constant type, no keys are generated in that area.