Clicking Simulate when a Simulation Already Exists

When you click Simulate when a simulation already exists, the button's effect depends on which settings you have changed.

Simulation parameters are the parameters that are used as input to produce the simulation. Changing a simulation parameter causes simulation to occur when you click again. Most parameters are associated with an environment object—a flow, idle area, or seat—or a selection set of one type of environment object. A few affect all environment objects. This section describes what happens when you simulate after changing various simulation parameters.

General Parameters

When you do this ... This happens after you click Simulate
Change the number of frames in the simulation Everything simulates again.
Click Delete People Everything simulates again.
Change the appearance of the crowd Nothing changes: This change occurs interactively.


When you do this ... This happens after you click Simulate
Change a setting on the flow's Flow rollout All flows simulate again.
Edit the geometry of a flow All flows simulate again.
Add or delete a flow All flows simulate again.

Idle Areas

When you do this ... This happens after you click Simulate
Change a setting on the idle area's Idle Area rollout The idle area simulates again.
Edit the geometry of an idle area The idle area simulates again.
Add an idle area The new idle area simulates.
Delete an idle area The people on the deleted idle area disappear.


When you do this ... This happens after you click Simulate
Changing the Gender or Single setting on the seat's Seat rollout
Note: Changing the Height setting adjusts the motion interactively, so this has no effect on Simulate.
The seat simulates again
Moving or rotating a seat Any seat whose status as a talker, listener, or Single changes will simulate again.
Adding a seat The new seat simulates, and so does any seat whose status as a talker, listener, or Single is changed by the new seat's positioning.
Deleting a seat The person on the deleted seat disappears. Any seat whose status as a talker, listener, or Single is changed by the seat removal simulates again.

Edits to Selected Individuals

When you edit selected people you don't need to click Simulate. If you later make a change that requires you to click Simulate (the cases listed above), Populate attempts to retain the changes you make. This is not always possible. For example, if you change a standing idler to be high resolution, and then you decrease the density of the idle area so that fewer idlers appear, the high-resolution person might appear in a different place, or might be deleted.

  This happens after you click Simulate

Swap Appearance

Switch Resolution

The change is maintained unless it is not possible to do so. The person might appear in a different place, or might be deleted.
Resimulate The changed, individual simulations are lost.
Delete The deletion is lost and the deleted characters reappear.