The Advanced Options rollout primarily contains additional options that let you modify the default plug-in behavior. In most cases you do not need to modify these options to have a successful export. The section also holds additional settings specific to the Collada file type.
The following rollout includes unit settings for your exported files.
Activate the Automatic option if you want the 3ds Max FBX plug-in to automatically identify and set the units of the destination file to match units of the host application
When you activate Automatic, the Scene units converted to option is disabled, although it shows the resolved unit & Scale Factor. If you disable the Automatic option, the Scene units converted to option becomes available.
When Automatic is active, the File Units will match the system units, and the plug-in applies no conversion. The displayed Scale Factor is 1.0 in this case.
Displays the conversion value or Scale Factor that the plug-in applies to the entire scene during export.
By default, the 3ds Max FBX plug-in uses the system units set in the host application to determine what units to use to export the FBX file. This means that the default export Scale Factor is always 1.0, and the plug-in applies no unit scale conversion during the export process.
You can modify what units the 3ds Max FBX plug-in uses to export your scene if you change the Scene Units converted to option. If you change the Scene Units converted to option, you modify the Scale Factor value and units applied to the exported data.
For information about incorrect or unwanted scaling issues, see Why is my scene scaled differently in 3ds Max?.
Use this menu to specify the units to which you want to convert your exported scene. Modifying this setting directly affects the Scale Factor value applied to the exported data.
The plug-in determines the default units by looking at the System Unit Scale in the System Unit Setup dialog box in 3ds Max.
3ds Max Customize menu
On export, the plug-in applies no default scaling since the export and system units match. This results in a Scale Factor of “1.0”.
For information about incorrect or unwanted scaling issues, see Why is my scene scaled differently in 3ds Max?.
The FBX export plug-ins have two options for Axis Conversion, Y-up, or Z-up.
When you use the Autodesk Media & Entertainment preset, the 3ds Max FBX plug-in exports using the Y-Up Axis.
You can export your scene to a Z-up axis if the destination application does not support the Y-up world axis and cannot convert the Y-up world axis of your scene.
These options let you set display options of the UI, such as show or hide the Warning Manager.
You can customize these display options, save them as a new Preset, and share this preset file. See the Edit/Save Preset section for more information.
This option lets you disable the Warnings and Errors dialog box that appears during the export process. The Warning manager is active by default.
Deactivate the Generate log data option if you do not want warning and error information written to the log. However, if you deactivate this option, the FBX Exporter/Importer records the file name and time stamp in the log file, but does not include error and warning data.
The 3ds Max FBX plug-in stores log files in
This section lets you determine the format of your FBX file.
Save your FBX file as one of these two types, binary or ASCII. While binary is the normal format for FBX files, ASCII files give you a plain text version of the file format, which lets you search the file for information retrieval.
Mode | Function |
Binary | Activate this option to save the FBX file in the standard format. |
ASCII | Activate this option to save the FBX file in ASCII format.
Note: If you export your file to ASCII format in FBX versions 2010 and earlier, you cannot embed media.
Expand the FBX Version menu to select an FBX version.
The following table lists the different versions available for you to select from the FBX exporter.
Version | Description |
FBX 2015 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2015 applications and 2015 FBX plug-ins. This is the default FBX version. |
FBX 2014 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2014 applications and 2014 FBX plug-ins. |
FBX 2013 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2013 applications and 2013 FBX plug-ins. |
FBX 2012 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2012 applications and 2012 FBX plug-ins. |
FBX 2011 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2011 applications and 2011 FBX plug-ins. |
FBX 2010 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2010 applications, 2010 FBX plug-ins and MotionBuilder 2009. |
FBX 2009 | Select this FBX version to export a file that is compatible with Autodesk 2009 applications and 2009 FBX plug-ins. |
The Collada options only appear when you select the Collada (.DAE) file type from the file browser when you export.
Option | Description |
Triangulate | This option automatically tessellates the exported polygon geometry. |
Single matrix | This option ensures that there is only a single animation matrix for each node/object by baking all animation matrices into one. |
Frame Rate | Use this field to set the frame rate of the scene on export. |