Custom Group Options

This menu manages Custom groups.

Custom groups appear in the Material/Map Browser, serving as an organizing tool. You can create them with the New Group command on the Material/Map Browser Options menu. Once created, a custom group remains in the Material/Map Browser, persisting between sessions.

To add a map or material to a group, drag it to the library from elsewhere in the Material/Map Browser (not from a named view). To remove an item from a library, right-click its entry and choose Remove From Group. To remove a group from the Material/Map Browser, right-click its header and choose Delete Group.


Edit Group Color

See "Options for All Group Menus."

Rename Group

Opens a dialog that lets you rename the group.


Display Group (and Subgroups) As

See "Options for All Group Menus."

Context Menu Options

See "Options for All Group Menus."


Delete Group

Deletes the group from the Material/Map Browser. 3ds Max displays a message that asks if you really want to do this.