Maintaining File Hierarchy when Merging

When you merge an object that’s linked to a parent object in a source scene, and an object of the same name as the original parent exists in the current scene, you can re-create the same hierarchy using this dialog.

If you merge an object that’s linked to a parent object in a source scene, and an object of the same name as the original parent exists in the current scene, a dialog appears asking if you want to link the incoming object to the existing parent object.


Reparents the specified object and continues prompting for all subsequent merging objects that might need reparenting.

Yes To All

Reparents the specified object and all subsequent merging objects that need reparenting.


Merges the specified object without reparenting, but continues to prompt for subsequent objects.

No To All

Doesn’t reparent any of the incoming objects. When an object is merged without reparenting, it becomes a child of the world.

This feature can also be used to reconnect parent objects to children in the scene.