3ds Max includes two utilities you can use for archiving ("zipping") scenes and related assets to store or share with other users. The MaxZip.exe and MaxUnzip.exe utilities, located in the 3ds Max install directory, are the default utilities used by 3ds Max when you use the File > Archive command. You can change this under .
maxzip <archive_file_name> @<manifest_file> [-q[uiet]]
Archives the specified list of files to the specified file name. If the archive file already exists, it is replaced with the new archive.
The manifest file is a list of fully qualified file names, with one file name per line. The manifest does not support comments. If the same file is listed more than once in the manifest file, it is only added once to the archive. If multiple files in different locations but with the same name are specified, a warning dialog is displayed asking if you want to cancel the operation. This is because MaxUnzip extracts all files to a single directory. Filenames are not case-sensitive.
If quiet mode is specified, the duplicate filename dialog is not displayed, the archive operation continues, and duplicate file names are written to the console.
For example:
.\MaxZip.exe ".\archives\myzip.zip" @".\archives\archive_manifest.txt" 4 files specified; 4 unique files; 4 files successfully archived; processing time 0.1012889 seconds
The maxunzip command unpacks the files contained in the specified archive to the current working directory. All file path information is discarded. Note that MaxZip preserves relative path information in the archive files it creates, and if you require this information to be intact, you should use another archive utility such as 7-Zip to unzip the archive.
maxunzip <archive file name>