Creating Independent Surfaces from NURBS Curve Objects

To create independent surfaces from top-level NURBS curve objects, use the Extrude and Lathe modifiers. Extrude adds height to the curve, creating a shape by sweeping it along the curve's local Z axis. Lathe creates a surface of rotation, revolving the shape along a specified axis. You can also use the Bevel and Bevel Profile modifiers on NURBS curves.

These modifiers treat NURBS curves the same way they treat shapes. The advantage of using NURBS curves instead of shapes is in the different possible shapes that NURBS geometry and editing provide.

Tip: When you create a complicated surface, especially with the Lathe modifier, you often want to render both sides of the surface. To see both sides of the extruded or lathed surface in rendered output, turn on Force 2-Sided on the Render Setup dialog. To see both sides in viewports, turn on Force 2-Sided on the Viewport Configuration dialog.

By default, an object with Extrude or Lathe collapses to an editable mesh object. To have Extrude or Lathe output collapse to a NURBS object, change the setting to NURBS in the Output group box of the Extrude or Lathe rollout, and then collapse the modifier stack.