Topology Dialog

The topology tools rework an object’s mesh subdivision into procedurally generated patterns. You can apply a topology pattern over an entire surface or a selected section.

The various topology tools are described following. The descriptions of the tools only suggest how you can use the tools, and you can combine multiple tools to create new patterns. Try experimenting with applying a tool several times to generate a different pattern. A typical use of these tools could be to first generate a topology pattern of some sort, and then extrude or bevel different parts to form a structure.


Note: The topology tools work at the object level and all sub-object levels. They are available with only one object at a time (not a multiple-object selection), and by default affect the entire object. To confine a tool’s effect to the current sub-object selection, press and hold Shift before clicking.

Also, all tools have assignable CUI action items available in the PolyTools category, as noted in the following descriptions.


Generates a wall-type topology with bricks of different sizes.

CUI action: TopoWall


Generates a tile-type topology.

CUI action: TopoTiles


Generates brick topology.

Attention: This tool requires one edge to be selected. The direction of the edge determines which way is "up" on the bricks. The tool works only if the selected edge is within quad topology.

CUI action: TopoBrick


Generates hive-type topology.

Attention: This tool requires one edge to be selected. The direction of the edge determines which way is "up." The tool works only if the selected edge is within quad topology.

CUI action: TopoHive


Works like Tiles (see preceding), but the resulting tiles are slightly more random.

CUI action: TopoTiles2


Generates mosaic topology, with random bricks of different sizes.

CUI action: TopoMosaic


Works like Tiles (see preceding), but generates the pattern in a crossing direction.

CUI action: TopoFloor


Works like Wall (see preceding), but generates the pattern in a crossing direction.

CUI action: TopoFloor2


Generates a skin-type topology, with rounded patches.

CUI action: TopoSkin


Generates "holes" in the topology.

If you press Alt the result is more chaotic and less rounded, because it removes vertices with only two edges going from them.

CUI action: TopoHoler


Changes the direction of the edges to a regular diagonal pattern.

CUI action: TopoEdgedir


Simplifies the topology by removing random parts, but keeping certain areas of edges intact.

CUI action: TopoSimplify


Generates a chaotic topology, with randomly shaped patches.

CUI action: TopoChaos


Generates a tile-type topology, which consists of mostly larger quads.

CUI action: TopoFours


Generates a random smoothed-stars topology.

CUI action: TopoStars


Generates a topology with crosses.

CUI action: TopoCross


Generates a plank-type topology, with "planks" of different sizes.

CUI action: TopoPlanks


Similar to Planks (see preceding) but with broader planks.

CUI action: TopoPlanks2


Generates a topology with large crosses of "planks."

CUI action: TopoPlanks3


Similar to Planks (see preceding) but with longer planks.

CUI action: TopoPlanks4


Generates "holes" in the topology, separated by rows of polygons.

The three numeric settings apply to Tatter only, before applying the tool.

  • Size Determines the overall size of the generated holes.
  • Iterations Determines the number of different sizes for the generated holes.
  • Smooth Determines how rounded the generated holes will be.

CUI action: TopoTatter


Removes all vertices in the mesh with two edges going from them.

CUI action: TopoScrapV


Creates a Plane object and converts it to editable poly format for quick testing of the different tools. The value of the "S" parameter determines the number of segments in the plane.