Using the Create Panel

The Create panel provides the controls for creating objects and adjusting their parameters.

To access the Create panel:

  1. Click (Create tab) on the command panel.

    By default, this panel is open when you start 3ds Max. If the command panel isn't visible, choose it from the Customize Display right-click menu. Alternatively, open the Customize menu, then the Show UI submenu, and choose Show Command Panel.

  2. Click an object type to display its Parameters rollout.

The Creation Process

The actual creation of objects is accomplished with a single click of the mouse, a drag, or some combination, depending on the object type. This is the general sequence:

See Creating an Object.

Create Panel Interface

Controls in the Create panel vary depending on the kind of object you are creating. However, certain controls are always present, and others are shared by nearly all object types.


Buttons at the top of the panel access the seven main categories of objects. Geometry is the default category.


A list lets you select subcategories. For example, subcategories under Geometry include Standard Primitives, Extended Primitives, Compound Objects, Particle Systems, Patch Grids, and NURBS Surfaces.

Object Type

A rollout contains labeled buttons for creating objects in a particular subcategory, plus the AutoGrid checkbox.

Name and Color

The Name shows the automatically assigned name of the object. You can edit this name or replace it with another. (Different objects can have the same name, though this is not recommended.) Clicking the square color swatch brings up an Object Color dialog to change the color of the object as it appears in viewports (the wireframe color).

Creation Method

This rollout provides a choice of how you use the mouse to create an object. For example, you can use either the center (radius) or edge (diameter) to define the size of a Circle shape.

A default creation method is always selected when you access the tool. If you want to use an alternate method, choose the option before you create the object. The creation method has no effect on a finished object; the options are for your convenience during creation.

Keyboard Entry

This rollout lets you enter creation parameters from the keyboard for geometric primitive and shape objects.


This rollout shows creation parameters: the defining values for an object. Some parameters can be preset, while others are only for adjustment after an object has been created.

Other rollouts

Additional rollouts can appear on the Create panel, depending on what kind of object you create.