Conform Options Panel

This panel, which floats by default, opens when any Conform Brush tool is active, and provides settings for modifying the tool's effects.

Note: When any Conform Brush tool other than Conform Brush is active, such as Move Conform Brush, the dialog is named Transform Conform Options and an additional Offset Relative toggle is available.


Floating Conform Options panel

Full Strength
The size of the center area (white circle), where the Strength % setting is fully applied.

Vertices outside the Full Strength circle but within the Falloff circle (see following) move at a gradually slower rate.

To adjust Full Strength interactively in the active viewport, use Shift+drag.

The size of the outer range (black circle), where the Strength % setting gradually decreases from full strength to zero.

To adjust Falloff interactively in the active viewport, use Ctrl+drag.

The rate at which painting with the Conform brush deforms the painted object. At the default value of 0.1, the rate is gradual and repeated applications of the brush are often necessary. At higher values, conforming can take effect instantly.
When on, the tool effect is applied equally to both sides of an object across the mirror axis, as specified by the Mirror Axis setting (see following).
View / Vertex Normals
Determines the direction in which the Conform brush moves vertices:
  • View Pushes vertices away from the screen toward the target, so the result is dependent on your point of view.
  • Vertex Normals Pushes vertices along their own normals toward the target.
Offset Relative
Available only when using one of the Transform Conform brushes: Move, Rotate, Scale, or Relax. When on, vertices within the spherical brush volume move together, thus helping to retain the transformed object's original shape.
Note: When the ribbon is maximized or the Conform Options panel floats, the following controls appear on the Conform Options panel expansion.
Strength %

The overall rate at which the tool deforms an object. For subtler effects, lower the Strength % value.

To adjust Strength % interactively in the active viewport, use Shift+Alt+drag.

Use Selected Verts

When on, the tool affects selected vertices only. Applies at the object level and all sub-object levels.

When off (the default), the tool affects all vertices in the selected object.

Ignore Backfacing

When on, the tool affects only vertices facing you.

When off (the default), the tool affects all vertices in the selected object within the Falloff range, regardless of their visibility or facing.

Mirror Axis X/Y/Z

Choose the axis across which the tool is mirrored (see Mirror, preceding). This setting uses the World coordinate system.

Freeze Axis X/Y/Z

Click these buttons to activate any combination of X, Y, and Z. When an axis button is on, the tool is prevented from moving vertices on the object’s corresponding local axis.

Tip: To limit the tool’s effect to a particular axis, turn on Freeze Axis for the other two axes.
Freeze Selected Edges X/Y/Z

Click these buttons to activate any combination of X, Y, and Z. When an axis button is on, the tool is prevented from moving selected edges on the object’s corresponding local axis. Unselected edges move freely.

Applies at all sub-object levels.

For example, to allow the tool to cause vertical deformation only on the upper half of an object, first access the Edge sub-object level and select the upper half of the object, turn on Freeze Selected Edges X and Y, and activate the tool. Then, at the object level or at any sub-object level, using the tool on the upper half of the object prevents horizontal deformation.