Work with USD Data in the Command Panel

Once you have a USD Stage reference, you can work with your USD data directly in 3ds Max.

Tip: You can reorder the rollouts in the Command Panel by dragging and dropping.


Use the Parameters Rollout in the Command Panel to configure or make changes to your loaded USD stage.

Viewport Display

Wire Color and Proxy

USD Display Color and Proxy

Wire Color and Render

USD Display Color and Render

USD Preview Surface and Render

Credit: Scene in images above created by Ethan Olson and Shawn Olson.


Use Playback Type settings to configure the animation of your USD stage. You can specify an original range, a custom range, a custom start and speed, or specific USD TimeCode.

Note: 3ds Max is set to 30 frames per second (FPS) by default so animations are often converted to a new start and end time (if the source USD animation doesn't match the scene's FPS). USD Souce animation info in this dialog is expressed in USD TimeCodes per second (TPS). 3ds Max Animation Data displays the result of converting the animation to 3ds Max data, matching the frames per second set in your 3ds Max scene, and applying playback settings.

USD Render Setup


Minimal support for rendering a USD Stage is available as a fallback when renderers do not support accessing a USD stage directly. The fallback rendering requires that the node in the scene has materials assigned directly onto the USD Stage node. A stage renders with its wire color by default when rendered using the fallback method. To render a stage with USDPreviewSurface materials using the fallback method, add the materials to the node with the Assign USD Materials button.

Rendering process and key considerations

Viewport Performance

Mesh Merge: This option consolidates the meshes for better viewport performance, but there is no single optimal setting that works across all scenes. Select Static(default), if your USD set contains only static assets. For scenes with transform animations, you may get better performance by choosing Dynamic, especially if the scene is composed of many small objects with animated transforms or vertex animations.

Important: The Visualize option will indicate meshes that have been merged by displaying them with the same color. This only affects the viewport and does not have any effect on the renderer.