Register Documents to the Model

Register documents to the model to restore the correlation between the 3D model and the detail drawings, lists or NC files.

The detail drawings, the lists and the NC files have a correlation to the model drawings. Due to this correlation, the document manager always knows which document belongs to the respective projects. However, it is only possible if the drawings are not renamed or moved in the file system. If the model drawing or the detail drawing is moved, the correlation will be lost. With this command, the correlation can be restored. It will be recognized whether the document has been derived from the indicated model. Thus, it is impossible to assign outside drawings to a model.

Access the command

In the Output tab Document Manager panel, click (Register documents to model).

Command line: _AstorDetRegist

Register a drawing to the model

  1. Load the model from where the documents were generated.
  2. In the Output tab Document Manager panel, click (Register documents to model). The file selection dialog box appears.
  3. Browse to the folder where the .dwg is stored.
  4. Select the file to register.
  5. Click OK.