FAQ: Why is it important to use model roles in Advance Steel?

In Advance Steel, the "model role" defines how members are used and influences many different settings. One example is that the part mark prefixes are assigned according to model roles.

The most important effect of the "model role" is the drawing presentation. Based on the "model role", Advance Steel objects are presented, labeled and dimensioned in different ways. The association between "model roles" and their drawing presentation is the subject of this document.

Object Model role Process
Single part Angles Angle, Angle cleat Sp - Angle front 1/8 = 1 CX

Sp - Angle front, top 1/8 = 1 CX

Single part Beam Beams, Columns Sp - Beam front 1/8 = 1 CX

Sp - Beam front, top 1/8 = 1 CX

Single part Plate All model roles for plates except gusset plate Sp - Plate 1/8 = 1 CX
Gusset Plates Gusset plates Sp - GussetPlate 1/8 = 1 CX
Single part folded beams (created by user section) Folded sections Sp - FoldedBeam 1/8 = 1 CO
Stiffeners Stiffeners Sp - Plate 1/8 = 1 CX
Base plates Base plates Sp - Plate 1/8 = MP Beam1 CX
End plates, cap plates End plates, Cap Plates Sp - Plate 1/8 = 1 CX
Shear plates Shear Plates Sp - Plate 1/8 = 1 CX
MP Beam Beam Process - Tie Beam (Front-Bottom), AutoIntersectionc
MP Column Column Process - Column Vertical, AutoIntersections or Process - Column Horizontal, AutoIntersections
MP Angle Bracing MP Angle

Angle Bracing


Angle Bracing - Front, Top
MP Flat Bracing Flat Bracing Flat Bracing - front
MP HSS Bracing MP Compression pipe

Vertical Bracing

Roof Bracing

Wind Bracing

Compression pipe

Compression pipe - front, bottom
MP Girts and Purlins

Cold rolled Purlins

Cold rolled Side Rails Cold rolled C sections

Girts - front, right

Recommended system line position: