FAQ: How is the bolt grip length calculated in Advance Steel?

In a bolt assembly, the bolt length that is taken from an already existent standard needs to cover:

The database stores the mapping between intervals of grip lengths, which a bolt can cover, and the actual length of the used bolt.

To understand how Advance Steel automatically calculates the grip length, let's see an example:

  1. Open Management Tools.
  2. Select Bolts.
  3. From the Bolt list select one of the bolt assemblies.
  4. On the Parameters tab, the grip length, bolt length and projected lengths can be configured.

To calculate the bolt and the grip lengths for a bolt assembly, it is necessary to add rules for the automatic length calculation.

To set a rule, select the check box (first rule needs to be Rule 1) and then complete the fields with the following information:

After the rule information has been added to the fields, click Apply. This will automatically calculate the grip for the other bolt lengths, for this rule. It adds enough lines based on the increment to reach the maximum grip length and then it will stop.