FAQ: Which are the main tokens used in BOM lists?

To create an external BOM in Advance Steel, a BOM template is required.

The BOM template can be modified using the BOM editor.

The BOM template is a graphical arrangement of text cells, formatting elements and most importantly, token cells. These have the role to fill the BOM list with information, values about the contents of the list. They evaluate specific information stored in the BOM extract (which contains information taken from the model) and they display it in the list.

In the BOM editor while modifying the tokens in a template, we can either modify the token in an existing text box or add a new one.

To add a new token:

The same Field content option can be accessed to modify an existing text box and change the token used.

Based on the information various tokens can display, we can group most of the token available in the Detail field in several major categories.
  1. Tokens for part mark

Main part mark - always displays the assembly mark of an object (including objects which are only attached elements) in the Structured list type of BOM templates.

Single Part Mark - displays the single part mark in any condition. This token is available in all template types.

Part Mark - token used to display the part mark of an element based on its state. If the object is a main part in its assembly, this token will display the main part mark. If the object is an attached object this token will display its single part mark.

Preliminary part mark - displays the preliminary part mark of an object.

2. Name tokens

Display the name of an object, taken from either the database (in case of profiles) or from default values that use various tokens to create the name of a plate, bolt etc.

Tokens used for naming are: Assembly Name, DsTV Name, Grating Connector Name, Main Part Name, Name, Name of screw (non-expl) - token used in exploded bolts list to display the name of the bolt assembly.

3. Weight tokens

The weight tokens can be split into two main categories:

  • tokens that display the weight of the object in a row value
  • · tokens that display the exact weight of an object, which takes into consideration the lack of material generated by features present on the objects.

All the tokens related to weight are present for both situations, and the difference between them consists in the word "Exact" in their name. Below is a list of weight tokens, and for each of these tokens there is an "Exact" counterpart if the configuration requires it.

Weight - displays the weight of one object.

Global weight - displays the weight of all the objects in that specific line.

In the example above, the Weight of the piece is displayed with the Weight token, and it represents the weight of one IPE200 section - B1002, with a length of 949 mm, while the second value - Total weight is the weight of all 3 identical parts present in this line, and the token used is Global Weight.

In this example you can also see a Weight per Meter token which displays the "G (weight per meter)" parameter from the profile definition database.

There are also tokens that display the assembly weight, and also the total weight of all the identical main parts present in that line.

The weight of piece is evaluated by the Main Part Weight token, and the Total weight by the Main Part Total Weight.

4. Tokens for various information about an element

These tokens display any property that an object can receive through the Advance properties dialog box in the model, like Model Role, Material, Lot/Phase. Most of their names match the properties name (e.g. the material is evaluated by the Material token), while the Model role is displayed on BoM lists by the Function token.

There are also a series of 10 tokens named User Attribute (1...10) - that display the values filled in the cells with the same name on the objects User Attribute tab - and a token that can display the object class (Beam, Plate, bolt etc.) - token name is Class.

5. Tokens for length, saw length and surfaces (paint area)

The token names used to display various length values are present in the dimension line on the following pictures:

Dimension X, Y and Z are tokens used to display the gauge dimensions of an assembly. The directions in which these dimension are taken are according to the main part orientation, so X will be along the main part system axis.

For saw cut lists, the BOM editor offers a series of tokens to display the length of various saw parameters and saw angles. Dimension B at flange, Dimension C at web and all the other "Dimension ... at..." tokens return lengths.

The angle tokens are called:

  • Angle X1 and Angle X2 for the saw cut angle at flange
  • ·Angle Y1 and Angle Y2 for the saw cut angle at web. The 1 and 2 mark the left and right beam end.

For paint there are:

The difference between them is similar to the one for weight tokens.

As the paint tokens return the whole surface of the object, including the edges, there is also an area token (named Area 1), which displays the area of one face of a plate, without the edges. Below is an example of the two tokens used on a square plate with the edge equal to 1 m.