Customize ToolClips

ToolClips indicate the name and purpose of a tool and provide access to additional learning content. You can customize ToolClips to include additional movies, images, or linked content.

Edit an existing ToolClip

  1. Copy the ToolClips.xml file from the builtin.toolclips\Control directory to your custom.toolclips\Control directory. See ToolClip directories, next.

    You must copy the XML file to the custom.toolclips directory, because any edits you make in the builtin.toolclips directory will be overwritten by software patches and upgrades.

  2. In a text or XML editor of your choice, open the copied ToolClips.xml file.


    If you plan on adding characters with double-byte encoding, it is recommended that you use an editor that supports UTF-8 formatting. Ensure that the file is saved with this encoding specified.

  3. Edit the file to customize the existing ToolClip. See Parts of the ToolClip XML file.

    For example, you can edit videos, images, and links to point to your custom content.


    Each ToolClip is defined using elements. Remove any elements that yo udo not want to modify so that original ToolClip data is used.

  4. Save the XML file.

  5. Add any new resources you specified in your XML file to the custom.toolclips\Resources directory.

  6. Set the location of the custom ToolClips in the Shared Tool Clips location box in Preferences > General Preferences > Help.

  7. Launch Alias to view your ToolClip.

ToolClip directories

By default, ToolClips shipped with Alias are located in the builtin.toolclips directory. Any custom ToolClip content must be added to a custom.toolclips directory.


The builtin.toolclips directory is located as follows:

Program Files\Autodesk\Alias2015\ToolClips\builtin.toolclips

The following sub-directories contain the ToolClip content that is shipped with Alias:


Do not modify XML files and subdirectories within builtin.toolclips. This may adversely affect the operation of ToolClips.

Custom directory

You can create a custom directory for your ToolClip content and share it with other users. If you create a custom directory, note the following:

Parts of the ToolClips XML file

The ToolClips.xml file is stored in the following locations:

Program Files\Autodesk\Alias2015\ToolClips\builtin.toolclips

Main elements

The main body of the XML file is defined by a single <toolclips> element.

The <toolclips> element has the following attributes:

Example code:

xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
<toolclips ui="ui/ToolClipUI.qml" simple="ui/SimpleTooltip.qml" locale="en_US”>
... </toolclips>

Level 1 ToolClip

Level 1 ToolClip

The following attributes define parts of a level 1 ToolClip.

Example code:

    <toolclip key="SetFace" title="Set Planar Tool" help="files/SurfacesPlanarsurfacesSetplanar.htm">
       <text>Creates a trimmed NURBS surface from a set of planar boundary curves.</text>

Level 2 ToolClip

Level 2 ToolClips are optional and are used when additional learning content exists. When a level 2 ToolClip exists, the More button appears in the level 1 ToolClip window.

Level 2 ToolClip with level 2 data

The following attributes define parts of a level 2 ToolClip.

Example code:

                <video location="Align.webm">Align objects</video>                    
                <link location="files/Workflows_for_the_Align_tool.htm">Workflows for the Align tool</link>                                                