Sets keyframe paste parameters.
All – Matching keyframes from the keyframe clipboard are pasted to every animatable parameter of the object.
Global – Matching keyframes from the keyframe clipboard are pasted to the parameters that are selected in the GLOBAL parameter control window.
Local – Matching keyframes from the keyframe clipboard are pasted to the parameters that are selected in the LOCAL parameter control window.
To select different global and local animation parameters, see Animation > Editors > Param Control .
Insert – If the object has an existing animation curve, the keyframes that are pasted from the keyframe clipboard are inserted into the curve, pushing any existing keyframes forward.
Replace – If the object has an existing animation curve, the keyframes that are pasted from the keyframe clipboard overwrite any existing keyframes between the start and end range.
None – No range fitting is done. All the keyframes on the keyframe clipboard are pasted into the object.
Scale – All the keyframes to be pasted from the keyframe clipboard are scaled to fit within the start and end times.
Fit – All the keyframes on the keyframe clipboard are pasted into the object, as long as they are within the start and end times.
Determines whether a scaled Range fit should have the keyframe times altered so that they are integer values.
Prompt – The system prompts you to type the start and end time for when the keyframes should be pasted.
Option window – The start and end times for when the keyframes should be pasted are read from the current values set in the option window.
Current – The start time for when the keyframes should be pasted is the current frame.
Defines the start time for when the keyframes should be pasted. This option is required only if Option Window is selected in the Frame Range option.
Defines the end time before which the keyframes should be pasted. This option is used when either Scale or Fit are selected as the Range Fit option, and is required only when Option Window is selected as the Frame Range option.
Specifies the number of times the animation sequence on the clipboard is pasted.
Defines the amount of time to leave between each repeated pasting of the animation sequence.